Who according to you is a smart worker and is a hard worker? The work that we enjoy doing actually is smart work and if one is doing what has been directed by others is hard work. Hence enjoyment factor somehow makes a clear differentiation between smart and hard work. Why it is important to […]

Now a day’s everywhere in every field we feel and hear about competition. Is actually competition play an important role in career? Both schools and colleges are main platform for students where every time they face competition. Competition has become an integral part of our life. In fact, whether we should compete or not is […]

What are missing elements in the career of a student? I have researched thoroughly and found that the element missing is about the main question, “why we are on this earth, what is the purpose of our life?”I feel if our youth will find the answers for these questions then they can attain whatever they […]

What kind of inferiority complexes are there in students? Actually it is a disease and is found commonly in youth who have just joined college. They suffer from a strange fear and is an obstacle in their life. A person suffering from inferiority complex always focuses on his/her weakness but never count his/ her strength. […]

How Gandhigiri can be related to Career? I think only bookish knowledge is not a complete education. If someone asks me what education is, then I will say that in the ocean of knowledge, education is just a drop. Education is not to become an Engineer, doctor or a CA, but it is different as […]

What is your opinion about Women Empowerment? We are from a country of 130 crore population, where half of the men and women make the major part of the population. Till now the human resource in our country has not been explored. There is a tremendous scope in women empowerment to explore the huge human […]

What is desire and passion? Desire is the seed for everything which we see around. It is a very powerful thing. But I believe this desire is an external element and not internal. The inner voice or inner element is our passion. For example, if a child watches a movie and aspires to be an […]

What are the main qualities needed or requisite for becoming an engineer? Firstly a student must be an innovative researcher. I suggest for having a passionate engineering career one must check that whatever they have an innovative, exploratory research aptitude or not. During childhood if you have been curious and experimental with instruments and machines, […]

How does our thinking and grasping process impacts on our career? What we are, what we have it’s all the result of a thought. If we know the right way of thinking, we can attain anything we want. What is the process for thinking or a thought? The first step of our destiny is thought […]