After getting everything in life if you are still polite, humble and can bow down your head in front of God then you are great. Your standard is high and you possess a pleasing personality.
Now, a days people show off and from outside they try to prove their high standard and personality.
But to me from your heart if you can thank God always in celebrations as well as in adverse situation, you get time to pray when you are very busy also your personality will grow.
From your feed back I can understand you are becoming more disciplined, more well behaved. You are becoming more positive towards life.
Above all you are a good human being. All these are your strength. These are more important than getting more marks in exam.
Our character is our strength. That’s why India is maintaining a special standard in the world.
Be proud to be an Indian and be proud of it’s rich Heritage and Culture “What will you profit if you win the whole world but lose your character” from your feed back. It seems you all need a long winter break.
I feel you deserve this, after giving exam, facing stress you need happiness and relaxing.
So, you will get Happy Holidays. Welcome the new year, feel you are very lucky !
Some of you said “Everything is useless” but your words are your image if you cry in sorrow and loose sense in celebration your mental state is very low. Small small problems, low thinking, low standard are all useless.
Keep your mental state so high so that you can maintain a high standard. When you go up your problems will not trouble you and you can easily solve them.
Meditation can bring this state of mind, meditation is not a punishment. Meditation is happiness. It gives you control and helps you in all situation. It helps to grow your inner personality.
By- Prof. Sanjay Biyani
(Message for morning assembly dated 24 Dec, 2015)
To know more about Prof. Sanjay Biyani visit