Today’s question is very important. A man has tremendous potential. However, in his lifespan, he is able to utilize only a fraction of it. Ever thought why it is so. A man has the capability to become a Ram or a Krishna. He can win a Nobel Prize. What is the secret behind the transformation of an ordinary man called Karam Chand Gandhi into a Mahatma? It is important to think over as to how man can utilize his tremendous potential and achieve much more than what he normally does.

Let us understand this with an example. Recently we celebrated Dussehra and are now eagerly awaiting the festival of Diwali.

People are waiting for Lord Ram to return to Ayodhya after he kills Ravan and frees Sita. However, Ram is reeling under a guilt. He knows that Ravan had many evil tendencies; however, he also had some good qualities. He was a highly learned man. Ravan’s nine heads may represent different evils, but one head represented knowledge. So Ram goes to Himalayas, instead of Ayodhya, to meet sage Agastya and undergo penance for killing the ‘learned Ravan’ albeit out of compulsion.

Ram’s this action sends out an important message to the mankind. Ram has tremendous potential. His power is unmatched. Still, he wants to know where he faulted. He wants to assess his own weaknesses.

Most of the people are not able to use their full potential because they are busy finding faults with others. They credit their successes to themselves, but blame others for their failures. Often we can see people criticizing their bosses, employers, government officials, relatives, neighbours etc for their problems. This tendency of passing the buck is the prime factor preventing man from objectively assessing his own performance and improving thereon. Most of his time is spent in blaming and criticizing other people.

We can transform our lives if we imbibe this quality of finding our own faults, instead of pointing finger at others, when faced with an adverse situation. This Diwali, we should understand this ‘non-complaining’ aspect of Ram’s character.

We need to know that our sorrows and adversities have their genesis in our own conduct, behaviour and action. When we realize this fact, we facilitate our mental, physical, spiritual and intellectual growth, which in turn will enhance our overall potential.

Let us take a pledge that whenever we will encounter a failure, adversity or experience hopelessness, we will assess our own efforts objectively. This approach will pave the way to bigger achievements. 

I wish you a very happy, healthy and prosperous Diwali.

God bless…


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