
What is the greatest level of knowledge? The knowledge which is universally accepted-that gives you the best profession, career, best organization , satisfaction by which irritation, jealousy will be finished, by which fear and weakness, greed and attachment will be finished is the supreme knowledge. This knowledge is very simple, is very relevant.
To know ourselves as not a body but a soul is the supreme knowledge. We are not a body but a combination of body and soul. Body is governed by five senses of mind which is controlled by intellect .Our intellect is controlled by our soul (consciousness).
I am a powerful soul. I am an energy. This is the highest level of knowledge. Supreme soul is God and I am a part of it. This knowledge if understood then all our problems will be solved very easily.
Energy can never be created nor destroyed and everything is energy. This is 100% true. We are all energy and we are all part of the supreme energy which is named as God, The whole universe is governed by this supreme power.
So the moment you can understand –“ you are a powerful soul “you will never face fear ,never feel greed ,never feel jealous .You can witness every scene as a powerful soul .You will not be involved in unnecessary argument, will not lose temper easily.
If you get this knowledge you can control your mind, your senses, your feelings , you will not react but can act beautifully. You will feel you are a powerful soul .
All are children of God. You will realize that everyone belong to you and we all are a part of a big family. olq/kk dqVqEcde~ “I am an integral part of God” .There after you will be connected with unlimited happiness and supreme powerful source.
This is the highest knowledge and brings self realization which leads to God realization.
Prof.Sanjay Biyani.
(Thoughts delivered in Assembly on 25th June)

To know more about Prof. Sanjay Biyani visit


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