Share this on WhatsApp नमस्कार दोस्तो, अगर कोई चीज हमें दर्द देती है तो वह दो चीज अपने साथ लेकर आती है। एक तो जख्म और दूसरी समझदारी। यह आप पर निर्भर करता है कि आप इनमें से क्या उठाते है। आप चाहे तो जख्मी हो.. आप चाहे तो समझदार हो…………….पर बात समझदारी से बनती […]
आज का विचार- ‘‘ऊर्जा का प्रवाह‘‘
Share this on WhatsApp नमस्कार दोस्तो, देखिए, इस दुनिया में सबसे बड़ी एक force जो काम करती है वह है, gravitational force यह हर चीज को नीचे गिरा ही देती है, आप कुछ ना करें आप नीचे आ ही जाएंगे। आप कुछ ना सोचे आपको negative सोचना आ ही जाएगा। लेकिन ऊपर उठने के लिए […]
Chapter 9 : Raajavidyaa Raajaguhya Yoga | Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta Sanjay Ki Nazar Se
Share this on WhatsApp This chapter explains how the Self – Atman – pervades the entire world. The wise seek the Self while the ignorant, disregarding the Self, lead an empty life with vain hopes and unfulfilled aspirations. They go through the endless cycle of birth and death. Confirming the truth behind the saying that […]
Chapter eight : Akshara Brahma Yoga | Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta Sanjay Ki Nazar Se
Share this on WhatsApp In the preceding Chapter Bhagavan explained about His integral Self and spoke of the deluded ones seeking finite fruit while the wise seek Brahman along with knowing Adhyatma, Karma, Adhibhuta, Adhidaiva and Adhiyajna. Arjuna could not grasp the intricacies of these terms and the secret of knowing God. Hence he puts […]
Chapter seven : Gyaan Vigyaan Yoga | Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta Sanjay Ki Nazar Se
Share this on WhatsApp In this chapter the following concepts have to be clearly understood. Creation Three Gunas The Lord permeates everything in the universe. Means to go beyond the Gunas How to realize the self? Sri Krishna ended the previous Chapter by describing the supreme yogi as one who, with his inmost self abiding in […]
Beauty is only skin deep
Share this on WhatsAppAn enlightened soul sees beauty everywhere, in everything. It doesn’t get carried away by external beauty. Today, while flipping through the pages of a book, I came across this beautiful quotation: “People who are attracted to you because of your pretty face or nice body won’t be by your side forever. But […]
Chapter six : Dhyan Yog | Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta Sanjay Ki Nazar Se
Share this on WhatsAppThis chapter is especially important for students who find it difficult to concentrate on studies. Also explained in this chapter are Who is a Yogi? How does a Yogi think? What is Yog kriya ? In this chapter, Shree Krishna continues the comparative evaluation of karm yog (practicing spirituality while continuing the […]
Chapter Five : Karm Sanyaas Yog | Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta Sanjay Ki Nazar Se
Share this on WhatsAppThis chapter compares the path of karm sanyās (renunciation of actions) with the path of karm yog (work in devotion). Shree Krishna explains that both lead to the same goal, and we can choose either of them. However, renunciation of actions cannot be done perfectly until the mind is sufficiently pure, and […]
Chapter Four : Gyana Karm Sanyas Yog | Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta Sanjay Ki Nazar Se
Share this on WhatsAppIn Chapter four, Shree Krishna strengthens Arjun’s faith in the knowledge he is imparting to him by revealing its pristine origin.Lord Krishna explains how this is an eternal science that he taught in the beginning to the Sun God, and it was passed on in a continuous tradition to saintly kings. He […]
छठा अध्यायः ध्यान योग – श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता (संजय की नजर से)
Share this on WhatsAppध्यान योग (ध्यान का तरीका) ये अध्याय उन लोगों के लिए बहुत उपयोगी है जिनकी उम्र 15 से 25 के बीच है, जिनकी एकाग्रता कम है जिसके कारण उनका मन पढाई में नहीं लगता और उनका काम भी प्रभावित होता है। इस अध्याय में अर्जुन और कृष्ण का संवाद आपके जीवन में […]