Share this on WhatsApp Are you taking decision through your intellect or through your mind ? Do you remember that behind your mind there is your intellect and intellect is governed by your soul and soul is connected with God ? So when you take decision through your intellect you are living in God’s Awareness […]
How to take Best Decision
Share this on WhatsApp Let us welcome 2016, another new year and do something new. As of now we are taking decisions with our mind (मन) but now let us take decisions with our intellect. Actually mind (मन) thinks but it’s the intellect that takes decisions. Intellect is situated in our body at the point between […]
Self Evaluation
Share this on WhatsApp Year 2015 is going to come to an end very soon. Before this year ends let us reflect over a past and write down two things. Firstly 1. What are the mistakes we did in the last year. Second 2 What are the resolutions for the coming year. Let us […]
You are Becoming Better & Better Day By Day
Share this on WhatsApp After getting everything in life if you are still polite, humble and can bow down your head in front of God then you are great. Your standard is high and you possess a pleasing personality. Now, a days people show off and from outside they try to prove their high standard […]
Share this on WhatsApp Before taking any decision you have to listen to voice of your heart as well as voice of your mind. But how to find out which one is correct I shall give you a solution. Firstly listen to your heart & feel the feelings. Is it a feeling of happiness or fear […]
Listen to voice of mind as well as voice of heart
Share this on WhatsApp What is the difference between voice of mind and voice of heart and how can you differentiate between these two. This is very difficult to find out which is voice of your mind and which is voice of your hearth. Actually voice of heart is very powerful but to clear your confusion, you have […]
Do you want to be courageous ? Do you want to enhance your confidence ?
Share this on WhatsApp Good Morning ! Good Luck for your exam. How many of you spoke truth and never lie in last three days ? Congratulations’ to you who could speak truth but only truth and congratulations to them who are admitting truthfully that they couldn’t do because you are honest. I would like to suggest […]
Your words reflect your personality
Share this on WhatsApp Life is a struggle but how many of us welcome trouble ? We want comfortable life. How many of you can study up to 01:00 A.M. In this winter when your comfortable bed is waiting for you but more we can face struggle at present, life will give less trouble afterwards (in future). […]
Your energy will flow where your awareness flow.
Share this on WhatsApp We are an energy and in cosmos we get atoms our energy together with atoms makes our D.N.A. which determines our behaviour pattern. You all are Jhansi Ki Rani and in the morning while you go from here think you are like a current which has the spare which can bring […]
Value of Knowledge
Share this on WhatsApp Knowledge should be given to deserving candidates. If you are not accepting the knowledge & don’t value them then it is useless to give knowledge to you. You should be able to accept the knowledge & should value the knowledge. We can create our nature & attitude by accepting teachings of […]