Let there be enjoyment in the morning. Enthusiasm should be there .Life is so colorful. Life is all-round game, not only batting and balling .We should enjoy every moment of life.
An important factor of life is relationship .Key factor of the management is relationship. Student teacher relationship is a loving bond. Focus on the student is the most important thing in teaching which comes from unconditional love .The intention behind any relationship is also unconditional love .Love is an universal word. Love is magical. Nature gives us unconditional love .Rain teaches us unconditional love. It gives water to every person, it pours to each field equally. Earth teaches us universal love. Air flows everywhere .They don’t do partiality. Universe gives universal love to each one irrespective of cast, creed, religion.
Be kind, be good to others. Make a good social circle. More you value people more you can create a valuable relationship .You cannot change others you can change yourself .Appreciate people .Be grateful .Learn new things every day. Believe in yourself and in God.
There is an universal law .More you give more you receive .But intention behind giving should be unconditional love .If you can do so you will get abundance in return. But you have to go on giving without a thought of return.
Only on this basis you can develop a valuable relationship which pays in the long run , and you will never regret.

Prof.Sanjay Biyani.
(Thoughts delivered in Assembly on 4th July)

To know more about Prof. Sanjay Biyani visit


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