We should be always in higher energy .We are all powerful .If we are in higher energy we can energize people those are having lower energy .If we are charged with positivity then we can have higher energy .Like mobile we should try to charge ourselves every day.
If we are under the sun we will get higher energy .That’s why during solar eclipse harmful effects starts in our surroundings Sun is a source of energy .To be powerful we should be charged.
If we don’t understand how to get energy then we have to live this world early. Energy helps us to live longer.
Due to ignorance we don’t get knowledge .By mediation, by surrendering totally we can develop this energy .For getting power we should try to follow the technique of tortoise who can close it’s organs as well us spread his organs according to it’s need.
During meditation we should look inward. It’s an inward journey. We should concentrate and focus our mind. Let your mind be powerful so that you can be healthy and fit. If you have negative energy then you will feel sick very often.
If you are a teacher you will be surrounded by students who may have low energy. Who will draw energy from you continuously? So the teachers should always possess higher energy. In nursing profession you are mostly surrounded by sick people who have very low energy .To serve them you should possess very high energy. You have to give energy to the patients.
So all of us need to meditate to get best quality energy. Take time to pray .Don’t focus always outside. Do live in gratitude .Be a person who is ready to serve, a person who is concerned about his fellow beings. You can encourage people. Let this world be a better place to live in.
Prof.Sanjay Biyani.
(Thoughts delivered in Assembly on13th June.)
To know more about Prof. Sanjay Biyani visit www.sanjaybiyani.com
karishma says:
Nice blog Keep it up…..
rita says:
nice blog Keep it up
dinesh malvaani says:
Like mobile we should try to charge ourselves every day
rahu kumar says:
really good thinking
pritha ghosh says:
We really have tremendous mental power.Thanks for this awareness.
neha jain says:
well written sir ….definitely one should try to live in gratitude .