Physical body is very powerful .But according to you who is more powerful- our mind or our body? When some question is put to you then you get awareness .That is why during examination time you become more alert and you learn much more during this period than what you study during the whole year. At least 60-70% knowledge learnt we can memories effectively in this period because mind is very powerful and you are focused during that period.
Mind is a very powerful tool but we keep our mind in a very comfortable zone. If we can train our mind it can do wonders, it runs our whole body .You can do magic with your mind .To train your mind you have to think correctly. As soon as you get a thought in your mind you start thinking .As soon as you think you create feelings and this feel creates vibration which creates energy .So if the mind perceives positive thought ultimately you will receive positive energy and due to this you will be charged positively. And it will reflect in your action.
So thought creates action and repeated actions forms our habit .Watch your habits which form your attitude and due to this attitude destiny is formed. We are the makers of our own destiny.
Give importance to your thought and please write some positive thought daily .Feel the thought, read it aloud early in the morning and before going to bed. Then you will get rid of yours bad dreams. It will create a good mind set. Every one of us has a mind but all of us have different mind sets. Mind is the hard ware and mind set is the soft ware which is more important .To make soft ware perfect you have to put right thought .Food is very necessary for our body and Positive thought is the food of our mind.
Not only write good thought daily but also share that with others. More you share it creates better effect on you that is while sharing it gets highlighted. Like this it will create a permanent effect on your soft ware.
This thought management is the best tool for our life .What we see it goes to our mind and after sometime it reflects in our actions .So let us think something good for a while and let us repeat the Gayatri Mantra with proper understanding of the meaning .There should be logic behind your action. When you use your logic then you can create good feel and good energy.
Om Bhur Bhuva Swaha,
Tat Savitur Varenyam,
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi,
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat.
Aum means Brahma(Sat,Raja,Tama);
• Bhur means embodiment of vital spiritual energy (prana);
• Bhuva means destroyer of sufferings;
• Swaha means embodiment of happiness;
• Tat means that;
• Savitur means bright like sun;
• Varenyam means best choicest;
• Bhargo means destroyer of sins;
• Devasya means divine ;
• Dhimah means may imbibe;
• Dhiyo means intellect;
• Yo means who;
• Nah means our;
• Prachodayat means may inspire!
Thoughts delivered by
Prof.Sanjay Biyani(Director Acad.)
To know more about Prof. Sanjay Biyani visit
Mrs.Pritha Ghosh. says:
What a valuable idea which can give peace and happiness always.