
Chankya was a great teacher who changed Takshila/ Takshshila into a huge university .We can even today get inspiration from his intelligence and communication skills.First important massage from his teaching is –learning by experience is very important .This experience helps to grow.
Second massagemessage is thateven from failure we can learn a lesson. Failure also teaches us.
knowledge is very powerful. Sometimes whatever we think, it becomes true.Our thought can change our destiny.Thought creates electronic waves or impulse which creates vibration, and vibration creates energy.
We can create good situations by thinking properly.This is called Law of attraction.We are nothing but energy and energy can be transformed .Just by clapping we can energize ourselves .We can get anything in this world by dreaming properly. First and foremost thing is to dream .Dream should be well defined .Don’t get confused about what to dream .You need a car or a house or a good job or a good carrier you can get anything in life if you follow these rules.
Step1 Dream, dream, dream and believe in your dream.There should not be any doubt in your dream.
Step2.Believe ,believe ,believe. Belief does wonder .More believe will bring better results.
Step3.Visulise,visulise,visulise.Visulise your dream .Visualization is a must .Try to put pictures of your dream object in your room and think you are getting that thing very soon.
Step4. Do action Make efforts to fulfill the dream.
Brain can accumulate all the things you want.Do work with love. Without efforts you cannot achieve success.
Do Karma as suggested by Lord Krishna and quoted as follows:-

“Karmanyevadikarastema faleshukadachana,
The meaning of this verse is—you have the right to work only but never to its fruits .Let not the fruits of action be your motive ,nor let your attachment be to inaction.
Do work with love .Apply knowledge of love and appreciation. Stop criticism, stop creating negative feelings of jealousy, hatred, revenge. Change your energy .Transform negativity into positivity .Live in awareness. Feel you are very powerful and change your dream into reality.

Thoughts delivered in Urja by Prof.Sanjay Biyani
On 18th July.

To know more about Prof. Sanjay Biyani visit www.sanjaybiyani.com


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