
Why can’t we use the idea of parenting? It is very important. Children just copy their parents or their teachers or elders. Parents should be the role model in their children’s life.
Now a day’s parents are too busy to spend their time with their children .They have given them best school, college,lot of modern facilities, expensive smart phone, tuition ,coaches and what not.Still children are going away from parents .Whyis it so? Why is there a communication gap?
We all are very powerful human beings. In our body we have around 50 trillion cells and in each cell there are8GB memory power.But why can’t we use this power. Only college cannot make the children powerful.True education is to be given by parents which can help a child to become a true human. Parents are the best coach .Parenting should be powerful .Then only there will be real growth in children.
Mother is the first teacher in a child’s life. Mother is always loving and caring.She takes interest in her child and nurtures the baby from the very first day with utmost care .Otherwise no one could survive. Right from day one, a mother teaches the child language of love by nonverbal actions whichcomes from her intention.When the child grows,he enjoys playing hide and seek game with parents.But as he moves to youngage either the parents are in different room or if they enter their son’s or daughter’s room, children go away from that room .They are busy in their world of using whatsapp,computer and face book with their peer group .we are getting less and less time for interaction.Now there is less emotion and more logic in our actions.
But what is more important-your children’s career or their character? Most important is to build their character. If character is lost everything is lost.What will you gain if you conquer the whole world but lose your character .Let us teach our children values .Let the relationship and foundation of our home be strong. Make your children very powerful .Teachthem to be grateful .Let them touch their parents’ feet every morning and earn their blessings.Best thing to be positive is the attitude of gratitude .This attitude can bring career , health, wealth, relationship and success in your life .For this I would like to give you three suggestions-
1) First suggestion—Say “Thank you .Thank you .Thank you.”Not only say but feel it and say three times with reason and say before and after the work .Be grateful to parents,to employer,to trees,to nature,to your food.
Man lives for himself,for society .Let us become better and better. We are all energy.We are not body.Are we positive?Positive energy gives happiness .Negative energy gives frustration. That’s why we get angry,we hurt others, feel irritated.
How to transform our energy? How to take out negative energy. For this we have to follow some other rule of saying: simple word—“SORRY”.
2)Second suggestion–All of us do mistakes .But how many of us admit “I am sorry.”We do live in ego. Teach your children to touch parent’s feet at the beginning of the day.They will get rid of their ego.They will be able to say “I am really sorry.”Let them say “sorry” with eye contact, with reason and with feelings .Admit your mistake as soon as possible.
3)Third Suggestion-Most of us do a common mistake that is to tell lie to our mother or hiding something from our parents .This is the greatest sin on our part.From today let us promise not to do this mistake again.
We are so lucky !We are living .Let us do right action and understand “Law of Karma”. To every action there is equal and opposite reaction .To get something in life you have to do something,you have to give something.We should be focused.Find out why children are not focused.Teach them to fix up their goal.Take care of their interest and help them to reach their target.Life is a long journey between human being and being human.Help your children to take a step daily to cover the distance.

Thoughts delivered by Prof.Sanjay Biyani
on 23rd July

To know more about Prof. Sanjay Biyani visit

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