This chapter of Geeta throws light on the correct way of realizing the true- self. It gives a meticulous understanding of the correct way of meditation upon the Immortal Formless Spirit.
This episode, therefore, leads us to deep spiritual insights enabling us to realize the Eternal within ourselves. It enlightens us on the following four areas:
- What is the meaning of “Kshetra”?
- What is the real nature of “ Khetragya”?
- What is the attainment of “Knowledge”?
- Who is “Paramatma”?
Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta commences with the curiosity arising statement or shloka
“Dharmakshetre kurukshetre samavetaa yuyutsavah”.What do we understand by “Dharamkshetre”? what exactly is the essence of this word? This wondrous word is all encompassing it is our human mortal body. There is a fine balance between “Good” and ‘Evil” within our body. When the positivity or the good expands, this body becomes “Dharamkshetre“ and when the evil expands this human mortal body symbolizes “Kurukshetra”. Our human bodies are infinitesimally minuscule, this divine chapter of Geeta makes us realize this essence. This chapter elaborates on the 27 Gunas in us, which are derived from the humongous universal elements which are also known as the “Panch Mahabhoot”. These five elements are as follows:
- Earth
- Water
- Fire
- Air
- Sky
These five elements are releasing everlastingly the “Panch Tanmatrayein”.We can refer to them as the sub-elements. These sub-elements are extremely important as they impart the divine awareness of the elements. The bodily existence is futile without the knowledge and experience of these sub-elements. These sub-elements or the sense organs are power enhancers of perception, feeling and touch etc. They make the human body realize and feel the five elements. This perception is carried forward by the “Paanch Gyaan indriyan” and the action which is the outcome of the gyaan indriyan is carried forward by the “ Karm Indriyaan”. This is extremely critical understanding which important because to understand self we need a superior understanding of these.
Now we delve deeper into the ocean of understanding by appreciating the meaning of Consciousness. It is referred to as “Antaha Karan“. It is made up of Man, Buddhi, Chitta, and Ahankar. These 24 elements together collate to form the mortal human body. The purification of these elements is important for the attainment of bliss and supreme knowledge.
Our journey of knowledge cannot be curtailed yet, we need to understand what Lord Krishna refers to as “Tri Guna” these tri-guns are all encompassing. They are spread out in all elements. All substances are made of minuscule atoms and these atoms are interlaced with the tri guns.
The triguns are “Sat”, “Raj” and “Tam”. Hence now the 24 divisions are complemented with these 3 elements making it a sum total of 27.The addition of 27(2+7) equals to 9. This number 9 is a complete number or “Purnaank”.This number 9 is succeeded by the number 1 which is God’s number. God, who is all-pervasive all-encompassing. God is one. It is the people who according to their origin differentiate him giving him different names. The supreme God is one a source of energy .He dwells in all beings, in all that surrounds us. Let us comprehend this concept with deeper perception. The first element is the sky which correlates with Sound, the ear catches this sound. After this follows the next layer which is the Air which relates to the sub-element of Touch, we feel it through Skin. Following this is the Fire, this fire co-relates with the physical form which is captured by the eye. The next is Water relating to Tongue which tastes the elements. The Final element is The Earth which is Solid, it is related to the Smell, the nose is the functional unit for its realization which is gain a solid. These are all inputs which are mortal being processes after their realization. These outcomes are categorized as the “Trigunas”. The outcomes are exhibited through the Karm Indriyan .The action is exhibited through these which are hands, we can either use it positively or negatively. Similarly we have other Karm Indriyan. What we feel we speak .This is done through the Mouth, likewise we have sex organs and other organs. This is our basic introduction. Five sense organs of perception viz. ear, skin, eye, tongue and nose and five sense organs of action viz, hands, feet, mouth, anus and generative organs. These are the channels by which an individual perceives the stimuli and responds to them.
If we research deeper we are ruled by the consciousness which makes us take a decision between right or wrong. This stands for the mind which thinks about the stimuli received from the sense organs and sends forth the responses after getting the judgment from the intellect.
Shri Krishna brings to the conclusion of the theme of this discourse by stating those who seek the ultimate light through devotion and meditation steadfastly try to reach Him. Devotion here implies not only emotional surrender unto the Almighty but an intellectual understanding of the Truth, the Self, through a correct understanding of “Kshetra” and the “Kshetragya”. One who is able to recognize the one God as the stimulating Consciousness in all fields of matter envelopment, he is the true devotee who like The Lord says `enters into His Being’, attains liberation or discharges from the cycle of birth and death.