In the previous adhyay, we witnessed the realization of God. We were enlightened by the “Viswaroop” of the all-pervasive supreme Lord Krishna. All mortal finite beings are a part of this supreme form and he pervades these entire universal beings.
After witnessing the magnanimously enormous divine form of Lord Krishna, Arjuna stands astounded and bewildered. He faces multitudinous emotions ranging from extreme fear to intense delight. The emotional upheavals are important for us beings, for making us understand that “Sadness” and “Happiness” are the two sides of the same coin. We have reiterated the concept of “Sthir Pragya” which means being even-minded in all conditions or equanimous under different situations. This is of paramount importance to make us balanced and not be affected by extreme emotional surmounting.
Bhagwad Geeta is not a religious book, it can be explained scientifically as well. This is explained as follows. An organism…can be broken down to …Organ system…organ…tissues….cell…molecules…atoms…electron..Proton-neutron…energy.
This is the form of Krishna how can we witness this energy with our normal eyes. So Arjun was endowed with “Divya Chakshu” or divine Eyes. This chapter is simple but extremely profound and difficult to decipher. But after having proper knowledge of this episode from Bhagwad Geeta a devotee can move towards the ultimate bliss.
Basically, this chapter deals with 4 issues:
- Which form of the Lord is better:
- Manifested/ Expressed form of the Infinite
- Unmanifested/Un expressed form of the Supreme.
- How do we attain Peace?
- How can we stabilise the mind?
- What do we understand by Love?
Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna that there are two types of Yogis. One who seek oneness with the Absolute considering him as impersonal and unrelated to the universe, they rely on their own self and the second type are those others who seek unity with the Personal God manifested in the world of men and nature. The question Arjuna puts forth is which of these is better? Should we indulge in Idol worship or should we refrain from idol worship?
Practically speaking both the concepts are the same which can be equated to the painting is an image by witnessing scenery. Those who seek the Manifested Lord and those who seek the unmanifested Lord reach the same goal. But the conduit taken up by the latter is laborious because he has to practice paramount self-control, renounce the world, do away with all human emotions and desires and still the mind in the contemplation of the Supreme God. Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna that it will be easier if he prays and concentrated on Lord in the manifested form, as concentrating on the unmanifested form is a mighty difficult task for the worldly. It is also extremely difficult to fix the restless mind on the formless. Such a method of contemplation demands a sharp, one pointed and subtle intellect. This holds true for the worldly beings, it becomes simpler for us to devote our selves to the Supreme Lord in the manifested form.
Lord Krishna further proceeds to explain to Arjun to get riddance from all forms of misery, you should put all your concentration on me. He tells him to Renounce all actions in Him – renouncing your individual ego and limitations and completely surrender before me. Lord Krishna tells Arjun that he should regard him as the supreme goal and directing your energies to the Lord. This is also the absolute truth for mortal beings as well. Lord Krishna has told to Meditate unto him with unswerving devotion amidst all the confusion that surrounds. But this task is not easy. It is difficult to understand and even perplexes Arjuna. So Lord Krishna tells him to practice the same, if he is unable to do that also when he should meditate and last but not the least one should simply leave the results of “Karma for” and do not focus on its outcomes. This means that Renouncing the fruits of action – Every action that we undertake finally culminates in . Generally we beings waste their energies in worrying about the future results of their present actions. Shri Krishna urges here to curb these inefficient anxieties and fears about the future and do the work without desire of the fruit by surrendering all the fruits of actions to Him. This will also lead us towards Peace.
Human beings simply understand the Body, you can become stable by renouncing the results, What differentiates Love from Devotion. Love is nothing but the superlative form of Devotion. But Love and devotion are two sided not, just not single sided. Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna devotee who is favorite of God exhibit the following characteristics:
A devotee does not hate anyone. He is a person who is friendly to all and compassionate and liberated from egoism. He is equanimous in adversities and pleasure, This devotee is ever forgiving and contended. He has mastered his passions and has dedicated his mind unto Lord Krishna. He is free from joy and anger, fear and anxiety. He is beyond pleasure and hatred, sorrow and desires and has abandoned all actions, good and bad. This devotee remains contended with whatever he has, this devotee he has the steadiness of mind. Such a devotee is ever dear to Lord Krishna. These are the various points Lord Krishna enumerates to Arjun and these are the qualities Lord Krishna appreciates in his devotees and such devotees are dear to him.
Therefore in this chapter Lord Krishna explains to the entire humanity through Arjun the correct way to reach the Lord by following the path of Bhakti or Devotion.