We are so restless with our internal turmoil that even while the prayer is going on we are not in tune with the prayer song. We are lost in our own thoughts In universe beautiful sounds are travelling. With these wonderful things are performing. But we cannot hear all these beautiful sounds as there is […]

This question is very much related to us. We are searching happiness outside but in fact happiness is inside us. We can remain happy. Nobody can disturb us. No one can make us unhappy unless we allow anyone to do so. An old lady was searching her key outside her house. Seeing that one of […]

Due to the impact of Face book, video, photography you may ruin your life if you are not careful and any unwanted relationship due to emotional flow, which will be dangerous in the long run. In nature, ratio of boys and girls is found to be 115:100.Boys do not have sustainability like girls. Nature knows […]

In coming New Year 2017 do something special. Let us develop gratitude feeling for all specially for them from whom we are not getting proper response. In coming New Year 2017 do something special. Let’s make a thought diary in which every day you will write your own thoughts, self composed poetry or songs. Life […]

We are very powerful magnet and we have a good mechanism. So you better judge the person with whom you are going to deal. Find out how much trust worthy is that person is. Education should teach you how to deal with a practical problems, how to solve today’s problem. In old days children used […]

But every action will have equal and opposite reaction. The day you stop giving excuses that will be the day you will move towards perfection and start getting success. Let us know our tradition, our culture and our own people.Manu, son of Surya, symbolizes mankind according to Hindu mythology – and thus the name manushya […]

You will even notice people on the road or train are travelling alone and giggling as if they are talking to themselves only. Like this time passes and we do not become aware. It’s my wish-let each one of us live in awareness. Smile is an expensive way to improve your look. It’s a natural […]

According to quantum physics voice creates vibration and vibration creates energy. This energy brings material. First person who listened to the version of Geeta was Arjuna and the next person was Sanjay. So true to my name I do believe whatever I shall say that will be powerful and useful. Lord Krishna was a great […]

Prayer means nothing to ask. It means giving. If you can wish good for others in your prayer and give thanks to Him for keeping everyone happy then it is the real prayer. If you cannot give anything you cannot get anything. How many of you pray in the morning? Only 50% did prayer. But […]