Today’s question is very important. A man has tremendous potential. However, in his lifespan, he is able to utilize only a fraction of it. Ever thought why it is so. A man has the capability to become a Ram or a Krishna. He can win a Nobel Prize. What is the secret behind the transformation […]

An enlightened soul sees beauty everywhere, in everything. It doesn’t get carried away by external beauty. Today, while flipping through the pages of a book, I came across this beautiful quotation: “People who are attracted to you because of your pretty face or nice body won’t be by your side forever. But people who can […]

  Today I want to talk about a word, this word is really very powerful…… people named there daughter as “Nisha”, Nisha is a negative word, I thought today is a good day to understand this word and it will help us to know the meaning of freshness, and power. Look at the small children, […]