Today let us learn about the fifth chakra which is placed at our throat area and is sky blue in colour and its element is akasha/ehter. It affects the thyroid gland, throat and mouth area. Due to some disorder in this gland we get tension, worry, depression etc. Actually we can define tension as misuse […]

We have already learnt how to activate Root/Base/Muladhara chakra which is red in colour and represents the earth element. By activating this chakra, which is situated at the lowest end of the spinal cord we get success, confidence, passion, courage, patience, stability, security, health etc. Next comes the 2nd lowest chakra, Svadisthana Chakra, which is […]

Already you have the knowledge of root chakra which is at the base of our spinal cord. That is why it is also called base chakra and is related to earth element. Earth is also taken as base. It is denoted by red colour. Second last chakra, just a little above root chakra is named […]

What gives you success in exam? Is it hard work? Is it time management? I feel it is due to your confidence. If your confidence is high, you will remember what you learnt and produce it during exam. Otherwise due to lack of confidence you will feel nervous and puzzled and may forget your answer. […]

Let’s move 5000 yrs. back to Kurukshetra where Lord Krishna is advising Duryodhana. He is requesting him not to fight because it will destroy everything, it will kill all his relatives. He says, “why don’t you give a little share of your kingdom to your cousins and stop this battle? “This is your Dharma”. But […]

We are awareness and this awareness is energy. In every cell of our body there is awareness. This awareness makes believe system and we live always with our believe system. This believe system makes our entire life, our environment, our friends, our society and our company. “A man is known by the company he keeps” […]

While you study again and again ask yourself “is the concept is clear” ? If you understand the concept then your knowledge will increase and it will become permanent. When you say something you should know its meaning. Without meaning if you learn something then your knowledge is not permanent it is an ignorance and […]