
One day a teacher asked the students to come to board one by one and write on the board “I will be brave”. Every child were coming and writing the same thing as told by their teacher. But teacher was surprised to see when a child came and wrote “I am brave.”
Do you realize the difference? These are the people who make a difference from the crowd. They turns to be special like Aishawriya Roy,Kalpana chawla, Kiran Bedi. They have set a motto in their lives. They have identified their inner power and they believe in their power.
So let us value our own individual qualities .Let us develop self respect .Give respect to your own identity.
One drop of ocean asked one day “where is the ocean?”As the drop is already in the ocean and possess all qualities of ocean water so do we are all part of God. But still we ask “where is God?”We are all very powerful. We all possess good qualities of God.
We have to understand and respect ourselves . If we don’t respect ourselves how others can respect us .We should love others .To do something good we should be a good observer, good listener .You only introspect the outside in the color of the spectacles which you are using. That is you can understand as your thought is or you can learn as your attitude is.
You have to be focused and have a mission in your life. By watching and ,by observing we gain experience and we become matured. Also observe what you have given today? And introspect yourself .How many of you have given water to birds? How many times have you watered the plants? How many people you have given guidance? and appreciated?
Also judge if you have fooled or betrayed anyone , how much manipulation you have done how you have passed your time .
Check yourself and change yourself. If you evaluate yourself you can move towards perfection .Then no one will be able to point out your mistake. You can examine your own mistake and correct yourself before someone corrects you. This way you will be able to say “I am becoming better and better every day.

Prof.Sanjay Biyani.
(Thoughts delivered in Assembly on 29th June)

To know more about Prof. Sanjay Biyani visit


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