What is the importance of Power of heart in Career? I have realized personally that heart of a person is 10 times more powerful than the mind. From heart all types of emotions, feelings are generated and we are born on this earth. If I evaluate the importance of brain to be 100% then heart’s […]

What is HWW Theory? With my 22 years of experience in education field I have realized that many people study but very few really know the right method of studying, many people eat but very few people actually know how to eat properly and similarly everyone can speak but only few know the right way […]

आज से 180 वर्ष पूर्व 2 फरवरी 1835 को ब्रिटिश पार्लियामेंट ;हाऊस ऑफ कॉमनद्ध में लार्ड मैकाले का एक प्रस्ताव वर्तमान शिक्षा पद्धति का आधार बन गया था। लार्ड मैकाले ने कहा था मैं कैथोलिक धर्म को संपूर्ण भारतवर्ष की सीमाओं से परे मानता हूँ और साथ ही मैं स्पष्ट रूप से यह नहीं स्वीकार […]

At which stage we should decide our career goal? And how important it is for success? It’s a very important question especially for youth because everyone wants to be successful. Till the age of 25, the students struggle a lot to establish themselves. Keeping these things in view we have to consider and find out […]

प्र.1 जीत क्या है? इसे कैसे समझा जा सकता है और जीत व मनोवृत्ति में आप क्या संयोग देखते हैं? उत्तर : हर व्यकित अपने जीवन में सफल होना चाहता है पर वह यह नही जानता कि जीत में कौनसे तत्व होते हैं? मैने इस पर बहुत काम किया और जीत की एक मैटि्रक्स बनार्इ। […]

  What is luck? Luck is the combination of opportunities and efforts, when these two combine together then action is done and ultimately action determines our luck. It is just like a cricket match where one is playing without wicket and wicket keeper and life is throwing balls. In this match that person will fail […]

Entrepreneurship vs. Career or entrepreneurship vs. Job, how can it be understood? In today’s time entrepreneurship has gained momentum in career opportunities. The literal meaning of entrepreneurship is courage and is linked with business tactics and skills. If you enjoy taking responsibilities, you have passion, courage and are hard working and want to work on […]

Is it true that Positive thinking actually provides right direction to one’s career? First of all we need to understand what positive thinking is. Actually we need to understand that that when we keep on thinking that everything good will happens to us is, not positive thinking. Also when we say that we read good […]

If a student has opted for commerce stream after 10th standard then what kind of career options are for the student? From past 4-5 years commerce has emerged out as a very prospering field. There is tremendous scope in this field and there are numerous options. In today’s time it is taken as a very […]

At which stage we should decide our career goal? And how important it is for success? It’s a very important question especially for youth because everyone wants to be successful. Till the age of 25, the students struggle a lot to establish themselves. Keeping these things in view we have to consider and find out […]