People every now and then have a counterfeit believe that they are God. They go on to declare them as God however those fool worthy people do not even have knowledge of the supreme God. We have to consider God as “Purushottam” the Supreme Being only then can we elicit the true meaning of the Ultimate God.
In this chapter we shall be enlightened on the following topics:
- “Devi Sampada” and “Aasuri Sampada”, What is their meaning and their significance?
- What are the triple gates to “Narak” or Hell?
- If you encounter doubts while performing your duties from where can you garner support?
In this chapter or “Adhyay”, we observe that the whole mankind has been classified as the divinely which is the “Devi Sampada” can be considered as good and the diabolical or fiendish “Asura Sampada”. These are negative in nature and full of bondage in their lives. It enumerates their personal qualities and ways of conduct. We can easily recognize such people around us when we see them. We can also know our fate if we know the meaning of the two terms. Shri Krishna urges mankind through Arjuna to eradicate the demonic qualities that lie within us and cultivate and nurture the “Devik” qualities in us which will lead us to spiritual enlightenment.
The divine are the ones who are able to conquer their desires. They are able to live in peace and happiness until they reach the target of Enlightenment.
Shri Krishna goes on to enunciate the nobler qualities in such a man who lives values of “Divinity” or “Daivik” in their lives. A Daivik person is full of Fearlessness comes first. Fear can be considered as the expression of ignorance and when there is true knowledge there is bound to be fearlessness. The Daivik people show the Purity of heart and are always embarking on the path of honesty. These people practice charity; this can be at the level of head and heart also and need not be merely at the material level. Sharing with others our sympathy and kindness and to distribute one’s knowledge are also forms of charities. The “Daivik” people show a great restraint over their sense organs and use their energies for meditation and serving the higher purpose of Life. They devote their time to the study of them. They not only study the scriptures but also practice the same. They also believe in austerity which means the rejection of sensual necessities and get absorbed on the divine. “Man” ” Buddhi” and “Chitt” are of paramount importance to them. They do not give in to anger. They leave their sense of one’s own over exaggerated conceit and notions of self-reputation and significance. These qualities may be present in human beings to varying degrees. No one can be complete “Devik” or “Asuri”.
Now we move on to the discussion of Demonic or Asuri qualities. These are people disliked by everyone and they born into lower strata of the realm of life like insects or animals. They consider that there is no God, They consider themselves as lowly people and get engrossed in corruption. they do not respect our holy scriptures which is the only path to enlightenment for them. They are Hypocrites who are at all times pretending to be righteous but living in an unrighteous way of life. They believe that the universe is formed as a result of the mutual amalgamation of the rudiments and the driving strength that determines the creation is all but lust. Satisfaction of lust is their highest goal. We see a lot of people around us with these qualities.
Next Shri Krishna tells Arjuna the path to hell lies through the following triple gates:
- The Self –lust or “Kaam”
- Anger or “Krodh”
- Greed or “Lobh”
A person who goes on to the above path becomes Demonic in nature, Shri Krishna emphasizes that these three evils must be abandoned if one wants to rise up in the ladder of spirituality and move towards the “Davik” sampada. We human beings are made to be Daivik. Moving ahead thus in the right direction such an individual who renounces the negativities goes to the Supreme, reaches the ultimate goal of life.
Lastly, Shri Krishna explains that when you have any doubt about what you need to do and what you need to avoid and there is confusion in your mind then you should not just leave the work hopelessly rather you should take refuge in the holy scriptures. They shall enlighten you and propel you in the right direction.
In the next chapter, we shall move ahead in our journey of understanding the Supreme Lord Krishna and attainment of “Ultimate Bliss”.